This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

July 30, 2011

What Happens After We Die?

I was recently looking at the "Stone the Preacher" blog and I came across this very interesting debate that I just needed to share with anyone passing by this blog. The debate was on Larry King Live and the topic was 'What happens after we die?'

A great question that I'm sure a lot of people have and want to know the answer to, but is there really an answer to the question? That is what the assembled panel of a renowned pastor, a Rabbi, a New Ager, a Muslim, a priest and an atheist were on the show for to try and figure out. The short debate is interesting to watch as all seem to go against the renowned pastor. Could it be because he is actually sharing the absolute truth from God's word? I'm sure it is not a surprise for the renowned pastor to have everyone go against what he is saying because God's words states that Jesus (who is the way, the truth and life and no one comes to the Father but by Him) will be offensive to those who don't believe (1 Corinthians 1:18)?

Who do you think? Is there there a right person in the debate? Watch below.

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