This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

April 26, 2010

A Good Reminder Why I Use Tracts.

The following message by "Fish With Trish" is a good reminder as to why you and I should continue to use gospel tracts [see link on this blog to visit her website]:

"I handed a man a million dollar gospel tract the other day. We were both heading out of the store around the same time. I passed him and said, 'This is for you.' About 20 seconds later, I heard him call me from behind, 'Miss...are you saying that I need to be a Christian to go to heaven??' 'I sure am, sir.' I responded with a smile. I wasn't sure if he was happy or mad -sometimes you just don't know how people will respond.' I'm glad you're doing this. I'm born again and I'm already going to Heaven.' He said. He continued, as he motioned to the tract, 'People aren't doing this much anymore. Many years ago, a little old lady passed out these tracts called 'chick tracts' and I got saved through reading one.'"

Oh! By the way, in case your interested the million and trillion dollar tracts are on sale right now through (they are 1/2 off regular price, but sale ends 4-30-10 so don't delay). Just click the million dollar bill to take you to the website where you can get a lot for your money. Seriously, you'll pay pennies on the dollar for millions or even trillions. Then, have fun giving it all away, for who knows what will happen by handing out (or placing) one simple tract?

April 16, 2010

Helping or Hindering?

Recently when listening to one of our local Christian radio stations I heard something that didn’t really sit well with me. In an advertising segment they talked about how the radio station would be a safe place for families, where they will be able to hear about the love of Jesus Christ and that this will not be a place that will be judged. That initially sounds pretty nice, but to me it didn’t sit well. To me it had a bit of a modern gospel feel to it. My feeling was later confirmed when I read a local Christian newspaper where the station manager for this particular radio station was interviewed and stated,

“There are some stumbling blocks that people have listening to a Christian radio station. The biggest challenge is removing those stumbling blocks. We’re not going to tell people that if you don’t believe like us you’re going to hell. This is not a place where they will be judged, and we’re not going to condemn them. This is a place where we simply show and share the love, hope and forgiveness that Christ showed when He was on earth.”

This initially looks and sounds good and I’m sure well intentioned, but hell and judgment are a part of sharing Jesus Christ with people. This will help them understand why Jesus needed to come in the first place. Fact of the matter: If one doesn’t not repent and trust Jesus Christ for their salvation, they will go to hell. That’s just what the Bible (God’s Word) says. So, when sharing Jesus Christ, if one just tells them that Christ forgives them and loves them, they will think that’s great, but will have no real reason to repent and trust Jesus for their salvation because most people think they are pretty good. [See Good Person Test on this blog.]

The CARM website [see link on this blog] states there are really three components involved when sharing Jesus Christ with others (i.e. evangelism) and they are:

1. God is holy and perfect and He requires holiness and perfection from us.
2. The Law (10 Commandments) is a reflection of the character of God.
3. The Gospel is the good news that the judgment of God upon the person who has broken God's Law can be removed in the person of Jesus.
*Note: Sometimes God & Law & are combined, for God is mentioned when presenting the 10 Commandments.

To see the entire CARM article, please click here:

I thought that article was interesting, but I wanted to conduct a little word search at Bible Gateway to see how the CARM recommendations for sharing the gospel were in line with scripture. I found the following out:

1. The word Law is mentioned or referenced a total of 542 times according to the ESV.
2. The words Judgment & Hell are mentioned or referenced a total of 216 times according to the ESV.
3. The words Gospel & Good News are mentioned or referenced a total of 129 times according to the ESV.

Therefore, one could conclude that the use of the Law and mentioning where one will go without Jesus Christ is important when evangelizing. After all, God’s word mentions Law, Judgment and Hell over and over and way more than just the Gospel and the Good News. I see this as God trying to let us blind people know that we deserve to end up in hell because we are not holy as He is holy. The Law will help people understand why they are not holy (Now this may seem like we would be judging people at this point, but it is not like we made up the rules. We are just pointing out what God has put in place to help people understand that we are not as good as we think we are.); however, once one understands they are not holy as He is holy it can bring people to place of repentance and then the Gospel, the “Good News” of Jesus Christ will make sense and be greatly appreciated. It will make sense because they will understand that someone needed to pay for their sin debt in order for God to see them as holy and allow them to go to heaven.

Why did Jesus need to come into this world, live a perfect life and then eventually die an awful death on the cross? To pay for my sin debt. Now that’s True Love. Someone choosing to die in my place so I don’t have to. Now, to me, that’s good news worth sharing.

I often wonder if someone doesn’t mention the Law, Judgment and Hell when evangelizing whether that individual would truly repent as Jesus commanded and then trust Jesus for their salvation? Or, when they hear that God loves them and forgives them, if that would just confuse them (because, remember they think they are good). But, if someone did decide to try God’s love out, would they just be thinking that Jesus will improve things? After all, God/Jesus loves them and wouldn’t let anything bad happen. Right?

For more information regarding this issue, please see the following article and video:

Click here for video:

April 8, 2010

Who Needs The Doctor?

Sometimes God puts us in situations in our life that we don't necessarily expect. Today I went to the hospital to visit a member from our chuch. I didn't initally know what to expect as I didn't know why he was there, but I thought I would have some time to visit, see how he is doing and also pray for him and his family. Although that did eventually happen, what I didn't realize was God's bigger plan for me until I walked into his room.

As I walked into his room I realized another person was visiting him and it was his grandson. I found out that his grandson was 4 years younger than myself, that he obviously cared for his grandpa who just had surgery because he was present, but he needed the Lord. As I spoke with his grandson I began to sense God putting something on my heart. That was to share Jesus with his grandson somehow. I began to think how would I do this and when would the timing be right? I then remembered I had a trillion dollars in my pocket.
I was saving that tract for someone who I thought did a good job to help me out and then my plan was to take their picture and post it onto this blog. However, God had different plans for the tract and compelled me to give it to him. All in all, it was a neat visit because of the privilage of praying for a brother in Christ and that he would receive physical healing from the Lord. However, it was a neater opportunity because I had the privilage to share Christ with an individual in hopes they might receive a spiritual healing.

My Time Is Not My Own.

1 Corinthians 7:22-23a states, " For he who was called in the Lord as a slave is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a slave of Christ. You were bought with a price..."ESV

This last week I was out of town on a business trip with another co-worker. The work day did not go as smooth as we both would have liked and we ended up finishing our work day late. Once we left the facility I was tired and couldn't wait until dinner was done so I could go back to my hotel room and just relax. However, during dinner I realized that my co-worker needed to talk and some topics were on a deeper level. Right then and there I realized that I am not my own, but I was bought with price and I chose to serve Christ by taking the time to listen and talk with my co-worker even though I was quite tired. Please know that I’m not sorry that I did.

During the conversation I had many opportunities to share a very clear gospel presentation by warning him of what is to come, the need to repent and then trusting Jesus Christ for his salvation. When I brought Jesus up this lead to some other conversations about God's word and whether my co-worker felt he could believe everything as written in the Bible. For example, he questioned as to whether creation was actually created in seven days. He then quoted a day to us is like a thousand years to God, so creation could have actually happened over many of thousands of years.

I want to stop right here for a moment because these are times that can be intimidating and even scare some people to not sharing Jesus in the first place. When these situations come up, just relax and pray silently to God in your head for wisdom and guidance. I want to encourage you that you can do it, for He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.

Okay, back to the situation at the dinner table. After a quick prayer to God, I feel I received wisdom immediately. I was reminded of that very verse my co-worker was talking about since I had studied it recently (Note: all the more important to be in God's word daily). I quickly stated that the verse he was talking about was actually about God's patience toward humanity since He desires that none should perish without repenting and trusting the one He sent to save them - Jesus. Then I mentioned other facts about how the creation story was written and how it actually, literally means seven, 24 hour days. After mentioning this, he didn't know what to say, but that he would need to study that section more. He then tried to jump to another subject, but I quickly interjected and brought the focus back to what was most important. His broken relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

Just know that it can be very challenging trying to keep the conversation focused on the main thing (their need to repent and trust Jesus Christ) because this involves lost people laying down their pride and coming to a place where they admit they need help (a Savior). It can be very uncomfortable and humbling for them and most people will try to get the subject off of themselves and onto anything else.

“In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him…” Psalm 10:4a ESV

But just remember, we must stick to the issue at hand which is their salvation and know that you can do it with the Holy Spirits help.

By the way, after the two and half hour dinner (due to talking) I was still tired, but the excitement I had from sharing Jesus Christ gave me the energy to get from the restaurant and to my hotel room where I was able to relax a little bit before going to bed. As I lay in bed I thought to myself how glad I was that I did not rush dinner, but rather gave up my relaxing time for the Lord, so I might share about the Lord to a co-worker who needs him.

April 1, 2010

Who's the Fool and new monthly Tool?

Today is April 1st, National Atheist Day (April Fools Day), for the fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Psalm 14:1 ESV

The following a quote from Ray Comforts Blog to Atheists regarding National Atheist Day (you can view Ray's entire blog by clicking 'Ray Comforts Blog' under helpful links):

I do, however, side with God Himself when He calls the atheist a "fool" (see Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1:22). I have learned, through years of experience in dealing with drug addicts, that the way to reach them is not to argue with them about what they are doing, but to show them how stupid they are. They are not abusing drugs; they are using drugs to abuse themselves. The same applies with the stupidity of denying a Creator, with creation staring at you in the face. The atheist will only harm himself.

Many Christians think that it's a waste of time to even try and reason with you. But the consequences of what you are doing are so fearful and our love for you is so great, that we will keep pleading with you in the hope that you come to your senses.

I really agree with Ray Comfort last statement, for we understand the final destination of those who die without Christ. They will be tormented in hell forever. We must remain motivated to share the gospel with those who even deny God's very existence. We need to continually pray for them.

Why, because we need to remember that God loves Atheist's, too. God desires that none should perish, so I encourage you to press on in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

I have also updated the 'Helpful Tool of The Month' at the bottom of this blog. It is Ray Comfort sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with an atheist. It is very interesting and I highly recommend checking it out. Let me know what you think.

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