This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

June 28, 2010

God's Extreme Makeover.

This past Friday our church had an outreach event entitled "God's Extreme Makeover". This event is somewhat like the Home Makeover edition tv show, but we did not tear a house town and rebuild it in seven days. Our main goal was to share Jesus Christ with a well deserving family that also had a need for many items we often take for granted on a daily basis (i.e. bed of our own, pillow, etc.).

The event began by whisking the family away to a party just for them where they had food, games, crafts and a time of hearing about Jesus Christ. Throughout the evening the families neighbor's came out to see what was going on and some little kids actually thought that the Extreme Makeover Home Edition was in town. That was pretty funny, but in the end the neighbors had the opportunity to hear about and be touched by Jesus. Plus, at the end of the night some of the neighbor's actually joined the group for prayer. That was really cool.

Once the family came back after just over 3 hours of organized chaos of getting the families place all together they were blessed with a dining room table, two new bunk bed sets, new clothes, two very nice couches, new pots and pans, a new microwave, presents, new bibles and the list goes on and on. They were amazed and very grateful. The kid's were absolutely adorable when seeing their reactions to how things had changed and the presents waiting for them on their new beds. To finish the night the single mother of six kids had the opportunity to hear a very clear gospel presentation. At the end she understood her need to repent and trust Jesus Christ for her salvation and did so. That was an absolute amazing way to complete an already amazing evening.

I know that everyone involved was very thankful to be a part of the event that God had His hand upon and I know that not one of the people involved would have wanted to be anywhere else on that night. It was truly an experience that I or anyone involved with the Friday night reveal will ever forget.

June 3, 2010

New Monthly tool For June.

The above video clip helps show the need to share your faith simply and effectively...the way Jesus did. I hope you enjoy. Oh, and in case your wondering about The School for Biblical Evangelism, I highly recommend it for anyone desiring to grow deeper, become more bold and of coarse learn how to share Jesus simply and effectively.

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