This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

May 28, 2010

Free Book Offer. How Wonderful.

Here is an opportunity for you to get a free book entitled: "God Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life", by Ray Comofort. I just did this and it's very easy. Just click on the book above and the link will take you to where you can get the free book with free postage in the U.S. Did I mention that it's free?

"In this life-changing book, best-selling author Ray Comfort explores whether this common gospel approach aligns with real life -- and with Scripture. The vital biblical principles he reveals will force you to reexamine your ideas about the gospel -- and will teach you how to reach unbelievers the way God intended. A must-read for all who care about the lost." Quoted from

The book is also an ideal resource to share with others to help them see the need for biblical evangelism.

Author/evangelist Bill Fay (author of Share Jesus Without Fear) after reading the new manuscript remarked:
“While reading this book my heart went into atrial fibrillation; it’s that good! After I finished it, I couldn't sleep. I gave it to my researcher. After reading it, he was so excited he was ready to get on a plane, take it to pastors and make them read it while he sat there.”
Additionally, you can download a free pdf version or an audio version (read by Ray himself) of the book at .

May 17, 2010

Share Jesus While You Still Can (Part 2)!

This post is a follow-up of the last post on this blog. This post is intended to share a little more information to help people understand how blessed we are to share Jesus Christ freely here in the United States. Although, one could start to wonder how long Christians will have the freedom to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the U.S.

Let me explain that statement a little bit. Since the Hate Crimes bill was passed, which initially looks like a good bill, but after taking a closer look it seems the bill can provide a way for judges or government officials to put laws in place that prevents Christians from sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In an article by there is the following statement,

"Public school curriculum could be built entirely on the idea of what is illegal hate in our culture. And our children could be indoctrinated [to believe that] if you criticize another religion or mention Jesus as being the only way, that's hateful--- [or] if you say that homosexuality is a sin, that's hateful. And then there is the IRS, which Parshall says could apply the hate crimes law as a national policy on homosexuality and other world religions. And [they] could start taking a look at Christian non-profit ministries and [telling them if they] want to be tax exempt, [they] can't speak hatefully about other groups," he suggests. "That would be defined as not criticizing Islam or not being critical of the homosexual lifestyle. Those are just a few of the ripple-out effects."

Also, please see the following video clip of a gentlemen arrested in England for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ while street preaching. Could this happen in the United States? Let me know what you think.

When it comes down to it, I know we are not to worry about tomorrow, so let's not. Let's just focus on the day that God has given to share Jesus clearly to a generation who needs Him. And please don't let yourself one day in the future to say, "Boy, I sure wish I would have shared Jesus when I had the freedom to do without being arrested."

May 9, 2010

Share Jesus Christ While You Still Can!

The following video clip from the movie Braveheart where William Wallace gives his famous speech about freedom.

This video clip makes me feel very strongly that we need to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ while we still have the chance in the United States. I feel if we don't share the gospel of Jesus Christ while we still have the freedom to do so, we will regret it. We will wish we would have shared Jesus when we had the chance and we will long for that day when we actually had the freedom to do so. So, let's take advantage of the opportunity God has given us today. What are you waiting for??? I encourage you to seize the!

May 1, 2010

New Monthly Video Tool for May.

This video will help give insight into how one shares the gospel and stays on track. Boy, it sure can be challenging sometimes when trying to share our faith, but I feel it is far better to try and share Jesus rather than do nothing and/or keep quiet. At the end of video there is a little announcement about the School of Biblical Evangelism. I have taken the coarse and graduated from it, so I can tell you that it is amazing and well worth it for anyone interested. Lastly, I encourage you to check out the newest link on this blog entitled 'Free Answers Tool'. The link has answers to some of the most often asked questions or objections, how to witness to specific groups of people, and much, much more. Please check feel free to check it out and enjoy. You won't be sorry you did.

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