This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

September 26, 2011

Now...What Changed Their Minds?

Today is finially the day that the "180" movie is released and we have an opportunity to see what has changed all of these peoples minds regarding abortion. I mean you just can't change peoples minds and so quickly, comeon'. Please take some time to view the free movie below to find out what was shared that made do a 180. Now, I just watched it and it is about 33 minutes long, but I'll tell you that I feel it is well worth every minute. I found it shocking, enlightning, frightening and in some ways disturbing; however, I feel this is information that we all need to be reminded of so we do not end up repeating history. Or, is it already too late? Have we already repeated history?

Again, please take time to watch the video below and you determine for yourself if it is too late or not. Is it too late for the Jews, is it too late for humanity, is it too late for babies in the womb or is it even too late for you? My answer would be that it is not too late as long as we or you still have breath. It is not too late to make a difference and make a decision that will not only save many lives and/or many babies, but perhaps even your life for eternity. After viewing the movie, please feel free to visit for more information and please be forwarned that the movie below does contain some graphic images that may be disturbing for some viewers.

September 5, 2011

Pro-Choice to Seconds.

This is an important announcement to help spread the message of "180" by Ray Comfort of Way of the Master.  Please take a moment to watch the short two-minute trailer below and then know that a free full version of this shocking, award-winning documentary will be available at the website on September 26, 2011. How cool is that? 

This is a great tool to pass along and share with anyone you feel appropriate (from those who do not know Jesus as Savior to those who know Jesus as Savior and need a tool to help share Jesus). May God Bless you as you are reaching out to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

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