This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

December 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas to All!

Please take a moment to enjoy the video/song above to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas!

I love you Jesus!

December 5, 2011

Who is the Strongest?

Now, you're going to think that I just love 20/20 or just happen to watch it a whole lot, since I'm showing another clip from a recent episode. Although, that is not the case, I just happen to catch moments on 20/20 that happen to have very teachable moments or in this case are just so cute. Now, shouldn't this be our response to all things (see clip below).

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them." Mark 10:13-16

November 26, 2011

Perfection Required for Eternal Life?

The clip below is from a 20/20 episode which aired this past Friday (11-25-11) and a comment at the 14:15 mark specifically stuck out to me regarding what one needs to do to go to Heaven. Are they really correct? It that really what God's word says? See clip below (I recommend watching from the beginning of the clip to the 14:14 mark).

Well...I guess all I really needed to do since being born was be perfect and then I would be able to go to heaven. Wouldn't that be obeying God's word? Because if I didn't obey one part of it then I be in sin and not able to go to Heaven and my desiny would be Hell. You see, the only problem with obeying God's word in order to go to heaven means my salvation would be based on what I do. Which is being perfect by obeying God's word and thus not sinning; however, there is a problem...Roman 3:23 (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God). So, it is really not by being perfect by obeying God's word that enables me to go to Heaven, it is by having faith in the grace God offered me through His Son Jesus Christ, not the result of anyting I did or could do (Ephesians 2:8–9). Those poor kids, please keep them in your prayers.

Oh, by the way, I could not even enter this world sinless because I was born of Adam's seed which is how sin is passed down from one generation to the next (Romans 5:12), so it is true that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We all need a Savior in order to go to Heaven and that is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

September 26, 2011

Now...What Changed Their Minds?

Today is finially the day that the "180" movie is released and we have an opportunity to see what has changed all of these peoples minds regarding abortion. I mean you just can't change peoples minds and so quickly, comeon'. Please take some time to view the free movie below to find out what was shared that made do a 180. Now, I just watched it and it is about 33 minutes long, but I'll tell you that I feel it is well worth every minute. I found it shocking, enlightning, frightening and in some ways disturbing; however, I feel this is information that we all need to be reminded of so we do not end up repeating history. Or, is it already too late? Have we already repeated history?

Again, please take time to watch the video below and you determine for yourself if it is too late or not. Is it too late for the Jews, is it too late for humanity, is it too late for babies in the womb or is it even too late for you? My answer would be that it is not too late as long as we or you still have breath. It is not too late to make a difference and make a decision that will not only save many lives and/or many babies, but perhaps even your life for eternity. After viewing the movie, please feel free to visit for more information and please be forwarned that the movie below does contain some graphic images that may be disturbing for some viewers.

September 5, 2011

Pro-Choice to Seconds.

This is an important announcement to help spread the message of "180" by Ray Comfort of Way of the Master.  Please take a moment to watch the short two-minute trailer below and then know that a free full version of this shocking, award-winning documentary will be available at the website on September 26, 2011. How cool is that? 

This is a great tool to pass along and share with anyone you feel appropriate (from those who do not know Jesus as Savior to those who know Jesus as Savior and need a tool to help share Jesus). May God Bless you as you are reaching out to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

July 30, 2011

What Happens After We Die?

I was recently looking at the "Stone the Preacher" blog and I came across this very interesting debate that I just needed to share with anyone passing by this blog. The debate was on Larry King Live and the topic was 'What happens after we die?'

A great question that I'm sure a lot of people have and want to know the answer to, but is there really an answer to the question? That is what the assembled panel of a renowned pastor, a Rabbi, a New Ager, a Muslim, a priest and an atheist were on the show for to try and figure out. The short debate is interesting to watch as all seem to go against the renowned pastor. Could it be because he is actually sharing the absolute truth from God's word? I'm sure it is not a surprise for the renowned pastor to have everyone go against what he is saying because God's words states that Jesus (who is the way, the truth and life and no one comes to the Father but by Him) will be offensive to those who don't believe (1 Corinthians 1:18)?

Who do you think? Is there there a right person in the debate? Watch below.

May 30, 2011

Making the Most of Every Opportunity.

A few weeks ago, towards the end of April, my Grandmother passed away. This is the Grandma of my Grandpa that passed away 4 months earlier in January. As you may remember (if not, just see the January 2011 post) that during my Grandpa's service I had the opportunity to share a clear gospel message along with the minister conducting the service. However, during my Grandma's service my uncle decided he didn't want anyone to speak, just eat and visit. Thankfully, my dad continually asked my uncle if I could speak during the service. My uncle eventually gave the okay and I once again had the opportunity to share Jesus Christ. This time was a little different.

I was only given a couple of minutes to share, so I gave a little background of my Grandma (whom I did not know to be saved before my hospital encounter), then shared one of my last conversations/encounters with my Grandma in the hospital where she thanked me, said she would never forget me, mentioned she had a peace unlike anything she had ever had before, stated that I knew what I was talking about and had a message that people needed to hear and was very grateful for me. This was an amazing encounter as I have shared Jesus Christ with her at different times included one time where I was banned from their house until I apologized for apparently judging them. I said I would not apologize for the gospel and then a few years later, in the hospital, my Grandma is saying she is grateful for me and I have a message people need to hear. What? That is crazy and if someone were to ask me if my Grandma was saved and would go to heaven when she dies, I would say after than encounter, Yes, she would. Praise God! It was definately very cool to share this story with my mom who loves the Lord and has been praying for her mom for many years.

Towards the end of my little talk at my Grandma's service I mentioned that if you are hear today and you think the story is great and nice, but you don't think much of God and heaven now, but you'll eventually get right with God, that is when you get around to it. I said, as of today it is your lucky day as you will have no more excuses. Then out of my pocket I pulled out a 'Round Tuit' and said I have a full pocket of Round Tuit's and don't leave without one today. I then proceeded to hand out tracks at my Grandmother's service and as a matter of fact, people were even asking for them. Now that is amazing and making the most of the opportunity that God has given to share about His Son, Jesus. If you are interested in obtaining the tract yourself, just click on the picture below and you will be linked to the site where it can be purchased.

April 20, 2011

Jesus as Savior or a Curse Word?

Check out the forbidden Easter add below (found initially on that a movie theater in California initially agreed to run for a church; however, after they realized it mentioned the name of Jesus the decided not to show it during the previews even though a contract was signed and thousands of dollars was paid. Here’s the reason why, according to Senior Pastor Mike Fabarez: “[They said] it uses the name of Jesus and so we’re not going to accept that ad.”

Pastor Mike further states: “You can show movies and contract with movie companies and producers and show all kinds of things that use the name of Jesus in all kinds of pejorative ways and as expletives and everything else. You can enter into contracts about all kinds of controversial topics on the big screen—but when it comes to an ad that just asks the question, ‘Did Jesus rise from the dead? Come to our church and check it out,’ they said no.”

Interesting isn't it. You can't watch a preview that points to Jesus as Savior, but you can watch the movie that follows which most likely uses Jesus name as a curse word (which is blasphemy and a violation of the 3rd Commandment).

February 15, 2011

Choosing to Play the Background.

At church this past Sunday we were given a challenge to memorize some wonderful verses that if applied would not only change our lives, but also any other person that we would potentially come into contact with. That sounded great, but the only problem with applying the verses to my life is that I too often get in the way. I many times end up trying and take the lead of my life and when that happens the focus ends up being all about me. What am I getting (i.e. recognition)? How am I feeling (i.e. happy, content, etc.)? What do I need to be happy (i.e. money, new tv, recognition)? When I'm leading my life, I tend to care less about what other people need, how they feel and/or even where they will end up spending eternity (i.e. I'm not thinking about sharing Jesus with people or even looking for opportunities to share Jesus).

The memory verse that were to memorize comes from Philippians 2:3-4 and can hit you hard, but if applied sure can change peoples lives. "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." From these verses I learn that I need to daily humble myself, let the Lord take the lead of my life, consider others better than myself (i.e. get dirty and wash some peoples feet like Jesus did at the last supper) and follow the example Jesus gave me to live my life. I need to allow, No, I need Jesus to play the lead and I need to play the background.

January 25, 2011

Loss of a Loved One.

I realize it has been a while since my last post, but a lot has been going on and I have been contemplating how to share it all. As you know in a previous post I mentioned that my dad was in the hospital over Christmas, but what I have not yet blogged about is that right after my dad was released from the hospital my grandpa went in. Now, it is never good when someone goes into the hospital, but to make a long story short my grandpa was showing some positive signs (from what my wife and I heard anyway) of recovery (i.e. he was eating and didn't need a breathing tube as originally thought), so my wife and I didn't make it an immediate priority to go visit him at the hospital since that is where were have been spending most of our time from my dad being there. Well, a day finally was coming where it would work for me to visit him over my lunch hour and during my morning devotional time I was reading out of Acts Chapter 4 and I planned on reading that Chapter to him and talking about how it applied to us today and share Jesus with him for he hadn't yet repented and trusted Jesus from what I knew. Then, as I was pulling out of my driveway to go to work my mom called and mentioned that my grandpa in hospital (her dad) passed away in the morning. I pulled the car over. So much for sharing the gospel and God's word with my grandpa that day. It wasn't going to happen. Thankfully, I had an opportunity two Christmas's ago where I gave a very clear gospel presentation (see good person test on this page) to him and my grandma, so I knew he had at least heard about repenting and trusting in Jesus as his Savior. Boy, I can't image how I would have felt if I had not shared Jesus with him at an earlier date. I know I would have felt horrible.

Onto the funeral or the celebration of life as they called it. The event was held at a nice restaurant/bar where appetizers would start to be served at 5:00pm with a short ceremony at 7:00pm to follow. Now, I thought that was weird to have it at a restaurant/bar (although, at least he was cremated, so it wasn't like a casket with a dead guy in it was brought through the restaurant) and I also felt it was a bit sad. I mean, who when thinking about their funeral celebration expects it to occur at a restaurant/bar with people having drinks and socializing. It just seemed weird. I just thought the entire concept lacked hope. Well the time eventually came for the celebration. The food was actually good, but it was weird to eat right away with some people crying. Overall, the conversations were good, but people were walking around with drinks in hand. That also seemed weird. The time came for the short service. Thankfully I knew the minister who would share the message and I knew he knew Jesus Christ and would share appropriately. What I didn't expect was to be called out in front of everyone to share something about my grandpa. I hadn't planned anything to say or share about my grandpa, but I went upfront to the podium because I thought that was what God wanted me to do. After sharing a little bit about my grandpa's personality and hobbies, I proceeded to share with everyone what my plan was for that morning I found out my grandpa had died. I stated I was going to visit my grandpa during lunch that day and then I mentioned that the message I was planning to share with him, I guess I was supposed to share with all of you. I then proceeded to share my testimony of trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior, then I pleaded with them to do the same and not waiting to make the decision for Christ, for no one is guaranteed tomorrow. I urged them to trust Christ today...tonight! I will say that after that service was over and the hope of Jesus Christ was clearly proclaimed that the presence of Jesus was at that place. It was an amazing feeling. Jesus was meeting people were they were at. Then I thought...what if I had kept my mouth shut. Would that light of Jesus then be present in that dark place? What if, when asked to share something, I stated I had nothing to say? What if I kept my mouth shut, who then would tell them about Jesus? Would I just count on those present having a chance to hear about a future hope of eternal life in Jesus some other time or by someone else? What if that night was their last night to hear about Jesus? Thankfully, I didn't keep my mouth shut and did share the amazing hope found in Jesus Christ, who went to cross to die for my sins and for you. Would you have done the same? Would you have kept your mouth shut? We must always be ready to share the hope that we have in Jesus. I encourage you to be ready. No matter the situation, be ready! Remember, no one is guaranteed tomorrow.

"Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." Colossians 4:5-6

"Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14

January 10, 2011

What Hollywood Wants You To Believe.

Please take a moment to watch the clip below from the TV show 'Parenthood' which my wife and I enjoy watching on Tuesday nights, but in this episode they got one important aspect regarding heaven very, very wrong.

No, No, No! That is not how it works at all! Not everyone gets to go to heaven! The Bible is very clear that only those who have repented and trusted by faith that Jesus paid for their sin debt will be able to go to heaven. Those who have not put their faith in Jesus Christ will go to Hell (a very real and extremely unpleasant place). That is just the way it is.

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire ans sulfur, which is the second death." Revelation 21:8

Please don't be fooled to think that by doing enough good things that you will be able to go to heaven. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." You see, it is a gift from God and no one can do enough to earn there own way to heaven. It cannot be done. Think about it...wouldn't heaven be quite a boring place listening to everyone brag about what they did to get into heaven.

If you have more questions about what it takes or doesn't take to get to heaven, I urge you to please click the "Good Person Test" logo on the top right part of the page. Consider what is shared and if you have not yet repented and placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ to pay for your sin debt. Please do it today! Tomorrow may be too late.

You know, in wrapping this post up, it is very likely that not everyone will end up in heaven because of their hardened and proud hearts, but God's free gift is for everyone. Therefore, everyone has the chance and/or choice to go to heaven. Which will you choose? Life or Death?

January 1, 2011

Christmas Meaning!

Hope you had a Merry Christmas! I know we did. It was different, but it was good. We had our family, but it was nothing like any other Christmas when compared to previous years. You see three days before Christmas Eve my dad goes into the ER from being very, very ill. I mean he couldn't move and was blacking out. He thought he just had a bad case of the flu, but come to find out he was having Kidney failure, many different infections, low blood pressure and kidney stones. He was then rushed to the MICU until the day before Christmas Eve where he was then transferred down to the regular hospital and stayed there until three days after Christmas. You see, what was different was that we ended up spending Christmas at a hospital. We didn't have our traditional time together of opening presents or an evening dinner together. Now to many that would seem disappointing because tradition was broken and as a result many would think that Christmas was ruined. However, it actually made our family focus on what is really important during Christmas and that is being together as a family and focusing on our Savior, Jesus Christ being born of a virgin and sent into this world to save us from our sins. We actually had a wonderful time of reading the birth story of Jesus Christ at the hospital and even though may dad was not feeling very well (dry heaves & bathroom visits) we all felt empowered by spending time with God by being in His Word. Now, as I mentioned earlier, it was a different Christmas, but it was a good Christmas!

Now, usually around the Christmas season we enjoy watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", but due to events outside our control we did not watch it this year until New Year's Eve. It's a pretty funny movie, but it ends up really having a very practical meaning. A meaning that so many people often miss when it comes to the holiday rush. I found it very interesting that in the clip below and how it points out that Christmas is not all about presents, packages, bows, etc., but it's really about something so more [than just material items]. I feel this clip really shows what it was like for our family this Christmas. It was about being together as a family in an imperfect place and an unfortunate time (Christmas Day) which gave us the opportunity to focus on the many blessings God gives us. Our family together and Jesus born into this world just for us. Please take a moment to enjoy the clip below and have a Happy New Year! I would also encourage you to never take anything for granted. Make the most of every opportunity, for things may never be quite the same again. As God's Word says in James 4:14, "Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

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