This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

November 23, 2010

We Truly Need To Be Thankful!

Below is a video clip I saw at "" and reminds us of how thankful we should be of the life God has given us. We must remember that for us to live is Christ and we need to urgently seek out and share Christ with those who when they die would not have gain.

Remember, as you are gathering with those you love this holiday season, remember that no one is guaranteed tomorrow and perhaps God has spared them (just like in the video above) to hear what you have to share (Jesus Christ crucified) for such a time is this. I encourage you to make the most of your time, every minute your living, for today is a gift.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 15, 2010

Free Hugs...No Gospel.

I was with our team at Huntington Beach last Saturday when I noticed some teenagers with signs that said, "FREE HUGS." It turns out that they were a Christian group sharing "God's love" with strangers, by giving them a hug. I asked the leader if the kids shared the gospel with the strangers they hugged. They didn't. It was "relationship evangelism." Yes, they were going to Hell if they died in their sins, but they didn't want to be pushy. I encouraged him to have his team at least give out tracts to those they hugged, but he was in a hurry and had to leave before I could convince him to do so.

In a list of "Ten Ideas for Everyday Outreach," a leading Christian magazine recently suggested praying for people "as you walk by them," tell them you appreciate them, leave notes of encouragement, pick up trash, leave a thank you note for waiters, be friendly, etc.

If that's outreach, what are they reaching out for? Is it so that if sinners die in their sins they will think about how nice Christians were to them, and how they keep the sidewalks free of trash? They will need more than a hug, in Hell.

I couldn't help but think of how bold a person has to be to run around with a sign that says "FREE HUGS." Surely there must be someone in their leadership that has read "How shall they hear without a preacher," and will steer these kids to be true and faithful witnesses. Then again, they may have got their hugs idea from the leading Christian magazine, and therefore think that they are doing the right thing.

Note: The above article was from a Living Waters Weekly Update dated April 12, 2010 and shares my concern about people using their time and energy to supposedly share the gospel of Jesus Christ. When it comes down to how one should share the gospel, I truly believe one should spend some time in prayer asking God how should they should they share Jesus Christ. I have a pretty good feeling it would be to just Go! and Share! That is the gospel. Why?

"Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand." Romans 15:21 and Isaiah 52:15

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