This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

December 6, 2010

Christmas! It's Really All About The Cross.

This Christmas season I encourage you to not get too caught up in what the world tries to push upon everyone. You need this, you need to give this, you can get this at this low only. Oh! What if they don't like your gift or what if you don't get enough presents? Then it just wouldn't be a good Christmas.

Is Christmas really measured by how many presents you get or how much money you spend? I say NO! I say we all need to take a moment and focus on the real reason for the Christmas season. That real reason is Jesus Christ coming into this world as a baby and his entire life leading to the cross for you and me. Oh Lord! I thank you! Please take a moment to watch the video below to take in the real reason for the season. The Cross.

If you liked the above video and lyrics, it is worth noting that there is a very good Christmas card tract that one can buy from to send to friends and family this season. Actually, these are the Christmas cards my wife and I will be sending out this season and I'm so excited to get those sent off, so everyone can focus on the real reason for the season. Amen!

December 2, 2010

It's Called Christmas!

I am so thankful for the stand Go Fish has taken for Jesus and it can be clearly seen in their song "It's Called Christmas" which can be heard in the video below. The song pretty much sums up what Christmas is really all about and I appreciate oh... so very much. As you interact with people this Christmas season, I encourage you to take a stand for Christ and say Merry Christmas! Note: If by chance you happen to question some of the song's meaning, I would recommend having you check out the "Good Person Test" to the right.

Merry CHRISTmas to all!

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