This blog's mission is to help equip God's Ambassador's with the tools to share the message of the gospel (one's freeticket) simply, effectively and biblically . . . the way Jesus did.

May 30, 2011

Making the Most of Every Opportunity.

A few weeks ago, towards the end of April, my Grandmother passed away. This is the Grandma of my Grandpa that passed away 4 months earlier in January. As you may remember (if not, just see the January 2011 post) that during my Grandpa's service I had the opportunity to share a clear gospel message along with the minister conducting the service. However, during my Grandma's service my uncle decided he didn't want anyone to speak, just eat and visit. Thankfully, my dad continually asked my uncle if I could speak during the service. My uncle eventually gave the okay and I once again had the opportunity to share Jesus Christ. This time was a little different.

I was only given a couple of minutes to share, so I gave a little background of my Grandma (whom I did not know to be saved before my hospital encounter), then shared one of my last conversations/encounters with my Grandma in the hospital where she thanked me, said she would never forget me, mentioned she had a peace unlike anything she had ever had before, stated that I knew what I was talking about and had a message that people needed to hear and was very grateful for me. This was an amazing encounter as I have shared Jesus Christ with her at different times included one time where I was banned from their house until I apologized for apparently judging them. I said I would not apologize for the gospel and then a few years later, in the hospital, my Grandma is saying she is grateful for me and I have a message people need to hear. What? That is crazy and if someone were to ask me if my Grandma was saved and would go to heaven when she dies, I would say after than encounter, Yes, she would. Praise God! It was definately very cool to share this story with my mom who loves the Lord and has been praying for her mom for many years.

Towards the end of my little talk at my Grandma's service I mentioned that if you are hear today and you think the story is great and nice, but you don't think much of God and heaven now, but you'll eventually get right with God, that is when you get around to it. I said, as of today it is your lucky day as you will have no more excuses. Then out of my pocket I pulled out a 'Round Tuit' and said I have a full pocket of Round Tuit's and don't leave without one today. I then proceeded to hand out tracks at my Grandmother's service and as a matter of fact, people were even asking for them. Now that is amazing and making the most of the opportunity that God has given to share about His Son, Jesus. If you are interested in obtaining the tract yourself, just click on the picture below and you will be linked to the site where it can be purchased.

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